As-Sabiqoon: What It Means To Be A Forerunner In Islam

In the rich tapestry of Islamic teachings, few concepts inspire as much admiration and aspiration as as-sabiqoon. But what exactly does this term mean, and why is it so significant in Islamic thought?

As-sabiqoon, often translated as “the forerunners” or “those who hasten to do good,” refers to individuals who are at the forefront of faith and righteous deeds. These are the people who, when presented with the opportunity to embrace truth or perform acts of virtue, rush forward without hesitation. They’re the first to respond to Allah’s call, the first to stand up for justice, and the first to extend a helping hand to those in need.

The Quran mentions as-sabiqoon in Surah Al-Waqi’ah:

وَالسَّابِقُونَ السَّابِقُونَ

أُوْلَٰٓئِكَ ٱلْمُقَرَّبُونَ

فِى جَنَّـٰتِ ٱلنَّعِيمِ

“And the forerunners, the forerunners— Those are the ones brought near [to Allah] in the Gardens of Pleasure.” (Quran 56:10-12)

This highlights the esteemed position these individuals hold in Islam. These are also the verses upon which our online school, The Forerunners Education, was established. We wanted to create a space where we (as students, parents and teaching staff) collectively rush towards excellence in what we do and the intentions we make. We seek to revolutionise the education of our young Muslims through the right educational provisions and tarbiyah to create and maintain generations of forerunners to come.

This is our vision for cultivating the next generation of as-sabiqoon. But who are some of the historical figures we can look to as examples of as-sabiqoon?

One of the most prominent examples is Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, the first wife of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). She was the first person to accept Islam, supporting the Prophet (SAW) during the early days of his mission when many others doubted him. Her unwavering faith and immediate acceptance of the message make her a true forerunner in Islamic history.

Another shining example is Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) closest companion and the first khalifa of Islam. Known for his immediate and unquestioning acceptance of the Prophet’s (SAW) night journey and ascension (Isra and Mi’raj), Abu Bakr earned the title As-Siddiq (the truthful) for his readiness to believe and support the truth.

These historical figures set a high bar for what it means to be among as-sabiqoon. But how can we, in our modern lives, embody this spirit of being forerunners in goodness?

Here are six ways we can strive to be as-sabiqoon in our daily lives:

1.Be quick to forgive: 

When conflicts arise, be the first to mediate them. Don’t wait for others to make the first move towards reconciliation.

2. Rush to help others: 

Whether it’s a neighbour in need or a global crisis, be among the first to offer assistance. Don’t wait for others to act before you do.

3. Stand up for justice:

When you witness injustice, be the first to speak out against it. Don’t remain silent in the face of oppression.





4. Embrace new knowledge: 

Be eager to learn and implement new beneficial knowledge, especially about your faith. Don’t let complacency hinder your spiritual growth.

5. Lead by example: 

In your family, workplace, or community, set a positive example for others to follow. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

6. Enrol your child at The Forerunners Education

When the world and quality of education in traditional schools are spiralling out of control, be the first to guarantee your child a stable footing. Don’t wait to see if the effects of bad education or the fitan of the duniya can affect your child; enrol them at The Forerunners Education today, where they will learn with fellow future Forerunners, Insha’Allah.

By incorporating these practices into our lives, we can aspire to join the ranks of as-sabiqoon. It’s important to remember that being a forerunner isn’t about competition with others, but about striving to be our best selves for the sake of Allah.

As we reflect on the concept of as-sabiqoon, let’s ask ourselves: are we content with following the crowd, or are we ready to step forward and lead the way in righteousness? The path of as-sabiqoon is challenging, but it is a path that leads to immense reward and satisfaction. By embracing this spirit, we not only elevate our own faith but also inspire those around us to strive for excellence in their spiritual journey.

May Allah guide us all to be among as-sabiqoon, hastening towards His pleasure and forgiveness. Ameen.


Written By: Sara Syed

Edited By: Rufeida Alhatimy

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